Video: Armond WakeUp "Snooze Button 4: Scene 2 Back From Brooklyn" | @ArmondWakeUp

Every Wednesday in the month of September, Armond WakeUp will be releasing a video of a verse from the upcoming project "Snooze Button 4". Second up in the series is "Back From Brooklyn".

"This was written after I joined Taelor Gray & KamBINO on a 9 hour road trip to NYC to support Christon Gray & Swoope's Northern Lights tour in 2014. The city gave us so much inspiration, it was bottled up & just came out in a myriad of ways. This verse encompasses the spirit of the Snooze Button series. I understand that crafting songs is an artform that communicates in ways nothing else can. But sometimes, you need to throw a beat on & say everything on your heart. Without concern of how it'll come out or if people will get it. Whoever latches onto it, let it be for them." - Armond WakeUp

Connect with Armond WakeUp

Instagram: @armondwakeup
Twitter: @armondwakeup

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