Noochie - "GUTTA" | @Noochiemusic

A listen to 20-year-old DMV-native Noochie quickly reveals an artist who listens just as much as he speaks. A certified engineer, Noochie is equipped with an ear for music that goes beyond the usual trap-inspired tunes of his peers within and outside of the DMV. While many artists strive to create a singular sound by which they can define themselves, the 20-year-old rapper rejects that notion all together, hoping that each song is its own experience that simply adds to a greater one.

His versatility combined with his fan-first approach to making music sets him apart from the sounds of his region and radio as displayed with his new song titled: GUTTA. Produced by KC The Beat Monster and Grammy Winning She'kspere, Gutta delivers hard hitting bass lines with an uplifting message. Noochie proudly puts DC on his back and is ready to bring his City out The "GUTTA."

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