Maraiika - "Special" | @mdwxo

Maraiika - "Special" /
Maraiika Harris releases a new single titled, “Special.”

“My name is Maraiika Harris,. I was born on June 18th 1994 in Toronto, Ontario. My background is Jamaican and Guyanese. Since my father passing I have been living with my mother. I started dancing when i was 3 years old which lead me to enter a dance competition with kids that were 16 while I was 6.

I always loved dancing but I fell in love with singing when I was 14. I did not know I could actually sing until people around me were stressing how much I should take it seriously. While attending St. Edmund Campion Secondary School at 16 I joined a club named ‘midi club’ we did a miniature music video and performed for the Dufferin-Peel faculty. That year really sparked my drive to sing and make my own music.” – Maraiika Harris

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